Moist Appointment's Apartment
1. Never Quite There
Writing Credit: Salveson, Smith, Erlinger, Crawford, Carlson, Tessier. Lyrics: Tessier
2. Be Blunt
Writing Credit: Salveson, Erlinger, Crawford. Lyrics: Salveson. Performing Credit: Smith, Carlson.
3. Dishonesty Is The Second Best Policy
Writing Credit: Salveson, Smith, Crawford, Carlson.
4. Is it Really So Surprising?
Writing Credit: Salveson, Erlinger, Crawford, Tessier, Carlson, Smith. Lyrics: Salveson.
5. Litany of Woes (Undertoad cover)
Writing Credit: Wawer, Carlson, Salveson, Defoe, Tessier. Lyrics: Tessier. Performance Credits: Bass: Salveson.
6. Strange Experiment
Writing Credit: Wawer, Carlson, Salveson, Defoe, Tessier. Lyrics: Tessier. Performance Credits: Bass: Salveson.
7. Strawb
Writing Credit: Salveson, Smith, Crawford, Carlson.
Songs for Moist Appointment's Apartment were originally recorded in 2005 and 2006.
Produced by Kevin James Salveson and Jon Crawford. Engineered by Jon Crawford. Recorded at Interstellar Studios, Upland CA.
As always, these songs were created via improvisation in the studio. No second takes.
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