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Hire a Professional Editor For Your Project!
Fiction & Non-Fiction
(see terms below)
Are you looking for insight or even basic editing for your written fiction or non-fiction work regardless of genre?
Could you benefit from someone whose depth of knowledge, credentials, and breadth of experience means their mind has been chiseled to a fine point?
Would you be able to work with and learn one-on-one from a unique editor whose business and arts oriented viewpoint is incisive?
Then look no further.
Award-winning author Kevin Salveson is now accepting proposals for Editing projects for a limited time.
Cost: $50 for Coverage & Submission Fee
$800 Per Project (300 pages or less, upon acceptance).

Mr. Salveson, a published novelist and former erstwhile theater critic for Dramalogue (as well as past advertising design and production artist for The Hollywood Reporter) also enjoys extensive experience in the business world via his time on Wall Street at Smith Barney/Morgan Stanley.
Thus his ability to Professionally Edit your work for potential commercial success as well as readability is prodigious.
Naturally, Mr. Salveson agrees to work on such projects only after careful consideration and only if we feel we can offer truly valuable insight on your project.
Terms & Fine Print
Your first payment of $50 (as listed on the Extab Store) is a deposit which ensures your work will be read by the Editor Kevin Salveson himself and that it will be entered into consideration for further involvement.
In order to be fair, we will provide "coverage" style comments of value on your submitted written work to us for the $50.
Payment of this deposit and coverage purchase thus can be made on our Extab website store via this order form.
Nonetheless, after careful consideration of each candidate, we may or may not be able to provide further Editorial services on your project after the initial $50 coverage is provided. (In this case, no additional charges will be due.)
This hopefully doesn't sound too uncool, but we want to be able to provide quality Editor work for you! Thus, we have to limit the number of authors we accept so that we can focus exclusively on making your work the absolute best it can be in terms of both the content as well as the technical and grammatical aspects of your work.
If we decide to agree to provide Editor services for your written work or other project the fee is then $800 per project for projects under 300 pages and negotiable for longer commitments or when several drafts or re-writes may be involved.
Please submit your $50 deposit for initial coverage and consideration by clicking on the link below, then:
Email your submission right away to extablisment@gmail.com and once we confirm your application and payment we'll be in touch soon!
Place Your Order by clicking on the photo